WE-cycle Engagement Tool Kit

On this page you will find any content you may need to spread the word about WE-cycle. Please feel free to copy-paste, download and print, and/or forward any of following directly to your team and network.

WE would also love to speak with you and your staff in person about WE-cycle! WE-cycle staff can explain bikeshare (in English and/or Spanish), get folks signed up, and bring a bike.

For any other questions or requests, feel free to contact Annie: 970.205.9222 x701, annie@we-cycle.org.

Click here to jump to Spanish language materials.


Download and print any of these flyers to post in your breakrooms, common spaces, office space, or community-facing locales.

Your reserved parking

What traffic?

The happy part of your commute.

$0 per gallon

Digital graphics

For your newsletters and website, or any other use you like.

Social media

You may find WE-cycle on social media, on Instagram and Facebook. Follow, like, and share the WE-cycle content that connects most with your organization’s mission! 


Copy for you websites, events, short blurbs

WE-cycle is the Roaring Fork Valley’s community bikeshare. Whether you’re just riding across town or connecting with another mode of transit, WE-cycle is a great option for getting to and from [business/event]. The nearest WE-cycle station is at [station location, Annie can help identify] and rides under 30-minutes are free, so hop on an e-bike or regular bike and roll to [business/event name]. Sign up in minutes.

Get rolling! FREE 30-minute rides.

Use WE-cycle as many times as you want, all season long.

The first 30 minutes are free, for every trip you take. For any ride exceeding 30 minutes, Late Fees are: pedal bike, + $0.50 per minute, and e-bike, + $5 per minute.

Visit we-cycle.org to sign up and get riding.

WE-cycle makes [running errands, getting to/from the bus stop, one-way trips, errands across town, etc. choose one] easier, speedier, and more fun!

we-cycle.org | 970.205.9222 

Spanish language flyers

Spanish language informational brochure

See brochure here.

Spanish language copy

WE-cycle es la comunidad de bicicletas compartidas del Valle de Roaring Fork. Ya sea que esté al otro lado de la ciudad o se conecte con otro modo de transporte público, WE-cycle es una excelente opción para ir y venir de [negocios/eventos]. La estación WE-cycle más cercana está en [ubicación de la estación, Ana puede ayudar a identificarla] y los viajes de menos de 30 minutos son gratuitos, así que súbase a una bicicleta eléctrica o bicicleta normal y diríjase a [nombre del negocio/evento]. Regístrese en minutos.

Los primeros 30 minutos son gratis. Registrese ahora. ¡Ande en minutos!

Por cualquier vieja que exceda 30 minutos se le cobrará una tarifa, bici regular $0.50/min, y bici eléctrica $5/min.

Visite we-cycle.org para registrarse y comenzar a viajar.

WE-cycle hace que [hacer mandados, ir y venir de la parada de autobús, viajes de ida, y vuelta  por la ciudad, etc. elija uno] sea más fácil, más rápido y más divertido.

we-cycle.org | 970.205.9222