Quick Trips, Long-term Benefits

Here at WE-cycle, we always encourage choosing bicycles over cars. And there are local statistics to support this shift too: According to a City of Aspen resident survey in 2019, 77% of respondents said they enjoy the bicycling experience downtown, while only 20% gave parking in Aspen a thumbs-up.
Our takeaway: swap four wheels for two.
For microtrips, WE-cycle is a solution that eliminates car hassle and pays off with bonuses like exercise and environmental stewardship. You don’t have to bike from Aspen to Maroon Bells to experience results. Just ask Chris Klug, former Olympian, local athlete and Aspen Snowmass Sotheby’s International Realty broker. He incorporates bicycling into his everyday routine to stay active following an organ transplant in 2000. “Biking is an integral part of my life during the summer. I bike to commute, to compete, and we love to ride as a family. It’s a big part of our lives,” he says.
Bicycling has remained key to Klug’s continued fitness, and staying healthy is a top priority for him. Other days, that simply means hopping on a WE-cycle to get across town. Staying active is part of any suggested health plan, and an important part of injury prevention. That’s why it’s recommended by orthopedic specialists at The Steadman Clinic. In fact, Dr. Tom Hackett, of Steadman, is the team physician for the US Snowboard Team, marking a historic relationship for Klug and the Clinic.
“Cycling is an excellent type of exercise because it’s low-impact, which means people can often begin riding as they recover from an injury or treatment without risking reinjury,” says Lynda Sampson, spokeswoman for The Steadman Clinic.
Biking doesn’t have to be a dedicated exercise, it can be a lifestyle that has benefits. Another perk? Winter sports conditioning. While our minds have started the transition from pavement to powder, biking can be a great off-season prep for ski season—two wheels and two skis are complementary sports. Sure, wall sits and lunges will get your legs in shape for the season, but WE-cycling for the next few weeks is an easy way to sneak in strength-building. Once the lifts start spinning, you may be appreciative of that extra trip you made on the WE-cycle—and your legs will thank you too.
Aspen Snowmass Sotheby’s International Realty is a WE-cycle’s 2021 Community Partner and The Steadman Clinic sponsors WE-cycle bikes in the Aspen and Mid-Valley systems.
Photograph by Michele Cardamone and @klugproperties