Updated WE-cycle Passes and User Agreement

©️ Daniel Bayer. <a href="https://www.danielbayer.com/" rel="noreferrer nofollow">www.danielbayer.com/</a>
©️ Daniel Bayer. www.danielbayer.com/

We have made some important changes to our signup process, WE-cycle Passes, User Agreement, and Program Rules and Regulations

With these updates, for legal and liability reasons, all riders who had active passes prior to May 27, 2024 must renew their WE-cycle pass and read and accept the revised User Agreement and its terms and conditions. 

New Passes: 

  • WE-cycle Pass: for riders over 18 years of age.
  • WE-cycle Minor Pass: for riders between the ages of 14 and 18 years of age. 
  • Minors, riders between the ages of 14 – 18, must have verified consent from a parent/legal guardian and provide their contact information in order to activate or renew their pass. A parent/legal guardian must agree to the WE-cycle User Agreement and all related terms on behalf of the minor. The minor must also accept the User Agreement and terms and conditions. 

What to expect:

  • We have tried to make this one-time process as easy as possible but it will take a few minutes. 
  • We recommend renewing when you have a moment and are not in a rush to hop on a bike. 
  • If you are a minor, make sure that your parent/legal guardian is available as they will have to consent within ten minutes of your starting the renewal process. 
  • Once renewed, your pass will be valid for one year. 

Helpful tips:

  • Only click the validate email link once. 
  • If on a mobile device, open the renewal link in your web browser rather than your email app. 

Learn more:

Thank you for making WE-cycle part of how you get around the Roaring Fork Valley. We are here to help you keep rolling, give us a call at 970.205.9222 or email us at info@we-cycle.org.