WE-cycle Winter Riding Tips

Photo by: Rising Sun Photography
Photo by: Rising Sun Photography

Winter can be bittersweet around WE-cycle, just like it is for the rest of the local biking community. While we’re excited for snow and winter activities, it also means the Aspen and Mid-Valley systems are closing for the season. However, following a successful pilot season, we’re thrilled that Carbondale will remain open year-round! As the weather changes, safety becomes even more important, so here are some winter riding tips to keep your trips safe and enjoyable.


Know the Conditions

Check the weather forecast and roads before you ride. If it’s exceptionally snowy or icy, please consider other options. Ultimately, WE-cycle aims to operate unless the situation is extreme; you make the call that is right for your own safety.


Wear a Helmet 

It’s always a good idea to wear a helmet, but it’s especially important in winter conditions when you may encounter slippery spots. If you don’t have a helmet, we’ve got you covered. Fill out this form and WE will hook you up for free. 


Layer Up

Riding quickly through the cold air can get chilly. Make sure to wear comfortable layers that block the breeze. Gloves, thick socks, and a thin liner (like a buff) to go under your helmet will help keep your extremities warm.


Keep Your Eyes on the Road

When riding in winter, be extra cautious of road conditions. Snow, ice, and hidden hazards can make the road slippery. Pay attention to shady areas where ice might linger and make turns slowly to maintain control of your bike.


Be Visible 

Winter days are shorter, which means you might be riding in low-light conditions. Be sure to wear bright clothing, reflective gear, or accessories to increase your visibility to other riders and drivers. You can also add your personal bike light or wear a headlamp for extra visibility. 


Lower the Seat

Adjusting your WE-cycle seat to a lower position can help improve stability by lowering your center of gravity. This will make it easier to maintain balance if you encounter icy spots. If you do slip, it’ll be easier to put your foot down for support.


Stay Dry

While the WE-cycle team works hard to keep bikes and stations clear, you may find bicycle seats that are wet or snow-covered. A reusable cloth or glove is handy for wiping off moisture before you sit. To keep your seat dry, and more comfortable, we recommend using a bike seat cover. If you need a seat cover for the season, take our 2024 Rider Survey and we’ll send you one for free. 


WE-cycle is thrilled to be offering bike transit service into the winter months in Carbondale. Enjoy and thank you for riding safely!