Expanded and Electrified WE-cycle Station Opened Alongside New Maroon Creek Trail
WE-cycle is excited to announce the expanded and electrified station at the Aspen Recreation Center (ARC), opened alongside Aspen’s new Maroon Creek Trail at a ribbon-cutting ceremony earlier this week. This partnership creates more convenient and reliable access to the ARC and the Maroon Creek corridor, making it easier for our community to enjoy the Community Campus and surrounding area.
The WE-cycle station at the ARC was expanded to include 15 bike docs that charge WE-cycle’s E-Fit electric bikes directly from Aspen’s 100% renewable electric grid. Including this grid connection, all of WE-cycle’s e-bikes in the Aspen System are powered with clean, renewable energy. Whether you’re heading to work or school, exploring the ARC, or just enjoying a quick ride, this new station offers a simple way to get to and from the Maroon Creek corridor.
Aspen Parks and Open Space began construction on the Maroon Creek Trail in April, and it now connects the ARC to the Highway 82 roundabout. The newly paved and widened trail is designed for all ages and abilities, offering a safe and scenic route that meets ADA guidelines.
The Maroon Creek Trail and electrified WE-cycle station were designed to serve the whole community, providing a safe and accessible option for everyone to enjoy. The collaboration with Aspen Parks and Open Space, the City of Aspen, the ARC and WE-cycle highlights our shared commitment to making transportation around Aspen efficient with time and energy. Check out the new Maroon Creek Trail, stop by the ARC, and enjoy your ride on a reliable, renewably-powered WE-cycle e-bike!